At today’s meeting, The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Strategy to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurships and competitiveness for the period from 2015 to 2020 with the Action Plan, which main objectives are to increase the number of business entities, employment and improving the business performance of small and medium-sized enterprises.
The measures to be undertaken by the competent state bodies and institutions in the coming period in order to significantly improve the situation in key areas for the development of entrepreneurship are grouped under the six pillars of the Strategy: improving the business environment; improve access to financing sources; the development of human resources; strengthening the sustainability and competitiveness of SMEs; improving access to new markets and the development and promotion of entrepreneurial spirit, as well as encouraging women’s entrepreneurship, youth and social entrepreneurship.
Both documents were prepared by the ongoing consultations with relevant institutions, business associations and experts – Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Union of Employers of Serbia, the Foreign Investors Council, National Alliance for Local Economic Development, the US Chamber of Commerce, USAID and other business associations.
The strategy is aligned with the relevant EU policies.