Basic information


Regional Development Agency Podrinje, Podgorine and Rađevine DOO was founded on June 17, 2013 at the Founding Assembly in Loznica, signed the Founding Agreement, and as a result of the previously signed Protocol on Cooperation between the municipalities Krupanj, Mali Zvornik, Osečina, Ljubovija, Bogatić and the city of Loznica on the joint realization of the project of establishing a regional development agency in the territory of Western Serbia. The founding agreement was signed by 5 local self-governments – the city of Loznica, the municipalities of Ljubovija, Krupanj, Osečina, Mali Zvornik and Krupanj, as well as 5 associations of entrepreneurs, as follows: General association of entrepreneurs from Loznica, Association of citizens “Klub privrednika Loznice”, General association entrepreneurs from Mali Zvornik, General Association of Entrepreneurs from Ljubovija and General Association of Entrepreneurs from Bogatić.

The Agency is registered in the Agency for Business Registers on August 22, 2013.