Mentoring for a hundred of newly established and existing MSPPs and clusters


National Agency for Regional Development announced a public call “Mentoring for a hundred of newly established and existing MSPPs and clusters”

This public call for the implementation of mentoring programs is conducted by the National Agency for Regional Development in cooperation with accredited regional development agencies and centres for the development of SMEs in Subotica, Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Ruma, Belgrade, Pozarevac, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Uzice, Novi Pazar, Nis, Leskovac, Vranje, Zajecar, Krusevac, Loznica and Lajkovac.

The aim of the project: Free mentoring services for selected 100 entrepreneurs / business companies / clusters of 50 hours per client, and by the end of November 2015.

What is mentoring? Mentoring is a comprehensive process to support businesses (corporations) and entrepreneurs who are at a crucial moment for their further development or survival at all.The process of mentoring represents a certain number of hours that an expert – mentor carries out in direct contact / work with the owner of the company.Mentor starts from diagnosis.The Company and mentor together study the reasons for the current problems or obstacles for further development.Based on the diagnosis mentor and entrepreneur / company prepare a plan / project development.During this process mentor works as an assistant and as a coordinator and advisor.National Agency for Regional Development has standardized mentoring as a service within the project “Institutionalization of mentoring as a service for MSPPs”, funded by the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA. National Agency for Regional Development implements mentoring as a standardized service since 2011.Mentoring Program in 2015 is an integral part of the new project “Establishing and promoting mentoring services for MSPPs in the Western Balkan countries-Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro”, implemented by NARD in cooperation with the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA .The present project is the first of regional character, which is funded by the Government of Japan and implemented in 2013-2016.

NARD implements and independent evaluation of the users of mentoring in the previous years of implementation, which showed that thanks to this service, MSPP customers achieve an average 10% increase in sales, profit and number of employees.

Content mentoringservices

-Diagnosing – analysis of the current situation in the company or an entrepreneur;

-Assistance in the preparation of development activities / plans / projects, in order to achieve better business results,

-Counselling and coordination of activities aimed at accessing funds, new technologies, consulting services, etc .;

-Help in preparing documents to be submitted to commercial banks, when applying for programs of support to MSPPs;

-Help in the implementation of development activities / plans / projects;

-Help in finding business partners, through the Republican network and the EU network

-Help in finding the necessary information and consulting;


Implementation of mentoring:

Mentors who will implement the programme were trained within six-module training for mentors and are employed in regional agencies and centres to support MSPPs or regional development agencies.The training of mentors is one result of the Project of the National Agency for Regional Development and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).Users of mentoring can be micro, small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs, who are beginners in business (registered after March 1, 2014) or those registered prior to the said date, as well as clusters (support is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the cluster management for technological development and innovation, not individual clustermembers).


Those who have the right to participate in the public offer:

micro, small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs involved in the production or supply of services, which meet the following conditions:

-Majority of domestic private ownership, registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia;

-Positive operating result in the previous year (the so-called, existingMSPP);

-Settled liabilities based on taxes and contributions

-Do not perform activities within the military industry and do not organize gambling / lottery,

and clusters that meet the following criteria:

$1-          That they are enrolled in the Register of Associations in accordance with applicable law;

$1-          Thatthey are not in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings;

$1-          That they have settled liabilities for taxes and contributions

$1-           That they are companies, cluster members, participants in the project, registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and that they are in major domestic private ownership.


Interested candidates may apply in three categories:

-The newly established business subjects (companies and entrepreneurs) – registered after 1 March 2014;

-Current economic subjects – registered before 1 March 2014.



-For newly established business subjects:

1. Completed application form (can be downloaded from the website or in the premises of regional agencies and centres from the list below – part entitled “Submission of Applications”);

2. Statement on registration of companies / shops (original or certified copies);
-For business subjects that have registered before 1 March 2014:
1. Completed application form (can be downloaded from the website or in the premises of regional agencies and centres from the list below-section entitled “Submission of applications”);

2. Statement on registration of companies / shops (not older than 6 months, original or a certifiedcopy);

3. Confirmation of the competent Tax Administration that the company / shop – the applicant has paid all tax liabilities in the previous year, as well as to the date of publication of the Public call ( original or certifiedcopy);

4. Balance sheet, income statement and statistical annex for 2014, which authorized person from the company / shops must provide a written statement that each of the documents is credible and identical copy of which was submitted to the Business Registers Agency for final treatment – a statement signed and certified by the seal of the enterprise.

For clusters:
1. Completed application form (can be downloaded from the website or in the premises of regional agencies and centres from the list below-section entitled “Submissionof Applications”);

2. Statement on registration of clusters (not older than 6 months in



Applications should be submitted to the following address:
-Regional Centre for Socio-Economic Development “Banat” -Zrenjanin, 1 Čarnojevićeva Street;Phone: 023/510 567;
-Regional Agency for Development and European Integration doo Beograd, 11/4 Topličin venac;Phone: 011/2186 730, 2186 740;
-Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Morava-Kragujevac, 22 Kralj Petar I;Phone: 034/300 575;
-Regional Development Agency “Zlatibor” -Uzice, Petra Celovica Street;Phone: 031/523 065, 510 098;
-Regional Development Agency “PANONREG” – Subotica, 15 Car Jovan Nenad Square;Phone: 024 / 554-107;
-Regional Development Agency Branicevo-Podunavlje region Pozarevac, 30/3 Stari Korzo;Phone: 012 / 510-824;511-823;
-Regional Agency for Spatial and Economic Development of Raska and Morava districts of Kraljevo, 77 Car Dusan Street;Phone: 036 / 397-777;
-Regional Development Agency of Sandzak “SEDA” Novi Pazar, 7. Jula Street;Phone: 020 / 332-700;;
-Centre for Development of Jablanica and Pcinj-Leskovac,42 Pana Djukica Street;Phone: 016 / 233-440;
-Regional Agency for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship of Pcinj District “VEEDA” -Vranje, 12 b / 27 Car Dusan;Telephone: 017 / 405-641;064 / 685-86-04;064 / 685-86-23;
-Regional Development Agency “Backa” –Novi Sad, 20/2 Mihajlo Pupin;Phone: 021/557 781;
-Regional Development Agency “Srem” Ruma, 172 Main Street;Phone: 022 / 470-910;
-Agency for MSPP Development “ALMA MONS” -Novi Sad; 3aSvetosavska Street;Phone: 021 / 427-822;427-574;
-Regional Development Agency for Eastern Serbia “RARIS” Zajecar, Trg Oslobodjenja;Phone: 019 / 426-376, 426-377;
-Regional Development Agency “JUG” doo-Nis, 38/1 Obrenoviceva;Phone: 018 / 515-447;522-659;
-Regional Development Agency for municipalities of Kolubara County “ARROKO” -Lajkovac;1 Omladinski trg;phone: 014 / 34-33-196;
-Regional Development Agency Ltd. Rasina District – Krusevac; 63/IVBalkan Street; Phone: 037 /418-520.

-Regional Development Agency of Podrinje, Podgorina and Radevina- Loznica;20 Jovana Cvijića;Phone: 015 / 876-096;015/875-993;

The envelope should be clearly marked “FOR PUBLIC INVITATION – MENTORING 2015”

For additional information, please contact by calling 015 / 876-096;015 / 875-993;or via e-mail to


Form 1 – Application for 2015