Programi Fonda za razvoj Republike Srbije
Program Fonda za razvoj Republike Srbije za 2015. godinu
Program Fonda za razvoj Republike Srbije za privredne subjekte sa polavljenih područja za 2015.godinu
Programi Fonda za razvoj Republike Srbije
Dana 01.08.2014. godine u Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije br. 81 / 2014 objavljen je "Program Fonda za razvoj Republike Srbije za 2014. godinu" i...
Development of social services
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy - Sector for family care and social protection, in line with the Programme of improvement of social...
Reconstruction and renovation of small sports fields in the territory of...
Ministry of Youth and Sports - Sector for Project Management, announces a public call for local government units to participate in the project: Reconstruction...
Development program of advisory services in agriculture
26/04/2014 The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection issued a tender for selection of legal entities and entrepreneurs to perform advisory activities in the...
SWD-RRD – Standing Group on Rural Development of South-east Europe, published...
SWD-RRD- Permanent Group for Rural Development of Southeast Europe, published a call for "Enhancing competitiveness by awarding small grants for restoring production capacity and...
Tender for funds in the territory of the Republic of Serbia...
03.28.2014 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Agricultural Land announces "The tender for funds in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, except...
Tender for proposals regarding the project „Support for the social inclusion...
European Union Delegation in Serbia has announced a call for proposals within the project "Support for the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups,...